Friday, July 20, 2012

Getting rid of irritating, bad-looking freakin' ACNE

There are several types of treatments to choose from when you have to know how to get rid of acne fast. The current ointments and creams, medications, treatments, facials and natural remedies are some of your options. But the best way you can learn how to get rid of acne fast is by not letting it develop. Acne prevention starts with a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, performing lots of exercise and having a strong immune system.

How to get rid of acne fast is to take healthy diet which includes several servings of food raw or cooked leafy green vegetables every day. You should also eat lots of berries that are rich in antioxidants. Have them available for snack in between meals. Lean proteins are also important, particularly fish and other seafood. They are also rich in antioxidants and they can help to create new cells of skin. Avoid frying or preparing food with oil, because oil surplus can make acne worse.
Use deep breathing exercises and meditates every day to hold your stress levels. The direction of tension is very important when you learn how to get rid of acne fast. Many acne outbreaks are caused by stress. The big dates, school dances and important events can cause acne breakouts in teens.
Get some exercise every day when you learn how to get rid of acne fast. It can be as simple as a daily walk, or you can start each day with a morning exercise routine that gets your blood flowing within a few minutes. If you are new to training you should gradually work up to a daily workout routine more robust.

How to get rid of acne fast using sleep and good supplements

You also want to get enough sleep each night. Try to get at least six hours but eight hours of sleep is even better. Your skin cells regenerate while you sleep, so much else is important when you want to learn how to get rid of acne fast.
Vitamin supplements help, because certain vitamins keep your skin healthy and you want to make sure you get enough of them. Vitamins A, C, D and E, along with zinc, are the most important vitamins and minerals for the skin heals.
Start each day gently washing your face, and wash again before you go to bed. Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective steps you can pick up how to get rid of acne fast. Caring for your skin clean is important for your health because it helps remove bacteria and dirt that gets into your pores and cause acne outbreaks.
Wash your face gently instead of scrubbing his face severely. Do not use a facial cleanser that is rough and removes natural oil from your skin because your skin needs to stay healthy this oil. Wash excess oil using gentle cleansers on acne defects.
Stay away from foods that are high in fat or sugar. Food cooked with too much oil will make your skin oily, and foods high in sugar, like chocolate can make acne worse. Never pick at or touch an outbreak of acne because you can easily do worse.
Drink plenty of water, at least 80 to 100 ounces per day. If you do not drink enough water your skin might get dehydrated and acne outbreaks are more likely to occur. How to get rid of acne fast is to remember to drink enough water daily.

How to get rid of acne fast – 7 More Effective Steps To Consider

1) How to get rid of acne fast eating raw food – Eat more raw foods instead of eating junk food, eat more raw vegetables and fruits. These foods are rich in nutrients. Eating raw food diet helps get rid of hormonal problems in your body.
2) How to get rid of acne fast drinking water – Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Your body needs water to function efficiently. Make sure you are properly hydrated. Your body can eliminate toxins and transfer of nutrients to all parts of your body efficiently.
3)How to get rid of acne fast by eliminating stress – If you want to remove acne quickly eliminating stress is very important as stress can put enormous pressure on your body. Stress can affects your immune system and overall health. Try meditation or yoga. They are great ways to help eliminate stress from your lifestyle.
4) How to get rid of acne fast  using non-comedogenic skin care product – The use of non-comedogenic skin care products is a must if you want to get rid of acne fast. You have to make sure that the skin care product you use daily is labeled noncomedogenic. Noncomedogenic skin care products will not clog your skin pores. Normal skin care products contain ingredients that can clog skin pores.
5) How to get rid of acne fast following simply hygiene -  Change your towel on a regular basis to prevent contact with dirt face.
6) How to get rid of acne fast by reducing makeup -  People who wear heavy makeup are much more likely to suffer acne outbreaks. Makeup can increase the chances of clogged pores. Reducing the amount of makeup you use can reduce the chance of an outbreak of acne.
7) How to get rid of acne fast using tea tree oil – tea tree oil is a miracle drug for acne. I personally use it to treat acne. If you are looking for information how to get rid of acne fast I will suggest you consider tea tree oil first. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties and helps reduce inflammation as well. If you apply tea tree oil to the affected area for two times a day you can see the swelling of your acne will be reduced quickly.
If you are really looking for how to get rid of acne fast I will suggest you consider natural products that contains natural products like tee tree oil as ingredient.
Note from blogger: Brian.
All rights reserved to author:

How to get rid of pimples fast.

If you are looking how to get rid of pimples fast you have come to the right place! By the end of this you should know exactly how to get rid of pimples fast and how to keep them from returning. But first off I need to say when I say fast I am talking about in 30 days or less, which is a fast time to clear pimples. If you see a website that claims to show you how to get rid of pimples overnight then it is not true, there is no way to clear acne that quickly.

Anyway now that I have cleared that up below is a routine that I used when I was 17 and managed to clear my pimples in around 30 days. I cannot promise you will have the same or better results as there are so many causes of acne, but you will only know what results you will get by following the steps exactly as outlined below.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast At home

Use this routine every 3-5 days in the evening. Do not use everyday as it will be to harsh on the skin.

Step 1 - Use an oil free cleanser that is non comedogenic (does not block pores). Make sure to massage the cleanser over the entire face very light for a maximum of 30 seconds to avoid irritating the skin.

Step 2 - Apply honey, preferably manuka honey but not essential over the entire facial area. Leave the honey on for 30 minutes before washing off with warm water. This will help to kill p.acne bacteria and nourish the skin.

Step 3 - Apply aloe vera gel over the pimples leaving on for 15 minutes. The gel will help to reduce the redness and sooth the skin.

Step 4
- Using benzoyl peroxide 2.5% or 5%. Apply a generous amount over the pimples. Leave on overnight and wash off the next morning. The benzoyl peroxide will kill p.acne bacteria, absorb excess oil and remove dead skin cells.

Step 5 - Apply an oil free moisturizer that is suited to your skin type. Using a moisturizer is important, especially when using this routine because the benzoyl peroxide has a drying effect on the skin. And if the skin becomes to dry it will compensate by over producing oil which can then lead to more breakouts.

If you follow this How to get rid of a pimple fast at home regime you should see great improvements not only in your pimples but also the over-all appearance of your skin. If you have never used one of the above items I would strongly advise that you first do a reaction test by rubbing some of the item underneath your arm and seeing if any reaction occurs, if a reaction does occur to not use that item.

If you use the routine and think it is the best way to get rid of pimples please leave your experience and reactions below.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast Home Remedies

These are additional home remedies that I have found to be effective for getting rid of pimples:

1. Lemon Juice (Diluted) - Applying lemon juice with a cotton ball over the skin will help to lighten the problem area. This is best used on pimple scars for the best results.

2. Tomato - Cutting a tomato in half and rubbing over the skin is another great home remedy for pimples. It helps as it contains beneficial vitamins such as vitamin c that protect and helps heal the skin.

3. Cucumber mask - Blending a cucumber and applying over the face helps by hydrating the skin. To use apply evenly and leave on for 30 minutes.

4. Ice packs - If your pimple is swollen applying an ice pack over it for 2-3 minutes will help to reduce the swelling.

5. Apple cider vinegar - Using ACV as a toner is great for preventing pimples. By putting the ACV in a spray bottle you can easily apply it over the skin, make sure to mix 50.50 first with water. As well as using ACV as a toner drinking it can also help treat the internal causes of acne. To use internally mix 50/50 with apply juice.

These are additional home remedies for pimples. You can add in these treatments into the routine if you wanted to but I would first use the routine for a minimum of 30 days to see what results you achieve and then decide on whether you are going too add any of the additional treatments.

Pimples Diet

If you are really serious about how to get rid of pimples fast then adding in some foods that are beneficial for skin health can help massively, and for anyone who thinks there is no link between diet and acne are wrong. I am sorry for being blunt but my skin went through a huge transformation when I stated eating healthier and was one oft the big factors of why I am clear now and I very rarely get acne breakouts, after-all the root causes of acne are internal.

1. Water - Drink 6-8 500ml glasses of water per day. Water flushes the body of toxins and hydrates the skin.

2. Avocado - The avocado is amazing. It is one of the only fruit that is fat based, and the fat is healthy fat which is beneficial for the skin.

3. Cucumber - The cucumber contains high amounts of water and essential vitamins and minerals that help the skin heal faster.

4. Berries - Eating berries is great for acne as they contain low amounts of sugar and a high amount of vitamin C and anti-oxidants which help to protect and heal the skin.

By adding in these 4 thing into your diet and reducing bad fats, greasy and unhealthy food is a massive step in clearing your acne long term and keeping it from coming back.

note from blogger: Brian.
All rights reserved to author:

Getting rid of Acne quickly.

  1. Cleanse thoroughly. Use plain warm water to open the pores and cleanse your face then rinse off with icy cold water to seal the pores so bacteria doesn't clog them. Use a foaming cleanser to remove any bacteria from the long day. When you sleep, you get a lot of bacteria all over your face, so you want to reduce that amount of bacteria.

  2. 2
    Use substitutions for sensitive skin. You can use an astringent than a toner if you have sensitive skin. Use a cotton ball to swipe it across the acne region.
  3. 3
    Moisturize with SPF 15 or higher. It's important to protect your skin from the sun; it matters to protect it from everything overall to have healthy, clear skin. Make sure to moisturize your skin when using Benzoyl peroxide; Benzoyl peroxide is known to dry out your skin, leaving redness behind.
  4. 4
    Treat it. Use a salicylic acid acne medication. It reduces the size of the pores and the redness of them in about an hour. It's also suggested to use a Benzoyl peroxide acne medication. It dries off some of the "almost gone" pimples and then flakes it away. It also keeps the bacteria from clogging the pores to prevent more breakouts.
  5. 5
    You should use organic products, such as 100% Aloe Vera soap, and witch hazel Use this everyday, and you should never have any acne, they are one of the leading vitamin stores. They work on any ethnicity, and it really works!


  • Never wash your face more than twice a day.
  • When your face gets oily during the day and when you're not at home, just get a paper towel, wet it and use it to wipe away the oil.
  • It's important to moisturize at night too, even if you do have oily skin, the benzoyl peroxide should take care of that.
  • Remember to drink lots of water! It really does help.
  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables as vitamin deficiency is also a main cause of acne esp vitamin A.
  • The last step if everything else fails is taking Accutane. See your doctor and dermatologist about this option. This medicine is serious though and only should be taken if you have no other choice.


  • Never put your toner/astringent too close to your eyes, nose or lips. Even if you don't have sensitive eyes, the strong scent exposed to your eyes and nose may sting.

Things You'll Need

  • Creamy[optional] Cleanser and Foamy cleanser
  • Toner/Astringent
  • Moisturizer
Salicylic acid and Benzoyl Peroxide medication

Note from blogger: Brian.
All rights reserved to WikiHow. 

Acne home remedies.

To Get Rid Of Acne Fast At Home Without Any Topical Drug Treatments…

  • Clean your skin gently with a non-drying and mild soap that contains skin-strengthening herbs & other natural ingredients like this Oatmeal Almond Aromatherapy Herbal Soap and…
  • You need to thoroughly clean and remove all the dirt and make-up off your face and other parts of your body covered with acne plus…
  • You need to wash your skin 1-to-2 times a day (particularly after exercising) to get rid of acne but at the same time…
  • You DO NOT want to be repeatedly or excessively washing your skin over & over again as this could damage your skin &…

When getting rid of acne…

  • If you shampoo your hair on a daily basis, particularly if you have oily hair… Make sure after washing your hair that you comb your hair to pull it back to hold your hair from falling on your face and…
  • Never use tight headbands because they harm not only the hair follicles but also the skin and this is very important to help get rid of acne…
  • Do not scratch, squeeze, rub, or pick at acne because if you try to scratch or remove the pimples on your own, it may lead to serious skin infections and permanent ugly scarring and…
  • Never use grease creams and cosmetics. Buy only ‘non-comedogenic’ or water-based formulas. These formulas had been thoroughly tested and proven that they do not clog the pores, which is the main cause of acne.
  • Always remove the make-up during the night. Going to sleep with make-up usually leads to acne problems and…
  • It should take up to 6 weeks to Completely get rid of ALL your acne following the very simple steps on this page but if you want to get rid of your acne faster…

Use 1 of these 5 Acne Treatments along with the basic steps on this page…

  1. Prescription formulas & OTC drugs like Clearasil containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, resorcinol, and sulfur are quite effective against acne.
  2. Oral antibiotics like amoxicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, and minocycline are good acne treatments.
  3. Topical antibiotics that are directly applied on the affected areas of the skin like erythromycin, dapsone, and clindamycin are also good acne treatments.
  4. A pill known as spironolactone had been found effective on women suffering from acne due to hormonal problems.
  5. Medicines such as Retin-A & Accutane also abolish acne but… Pregnant women should not take these medicines because they can cause serious birth defects.

If these tips don't help you have any less acne after 2 months…

You'll need to see a dermatologist who would…
  • Prescribe stronger acne medications or hormonal treatments or…
  • Discuss surgical options with you such as Photodynamic laser therapy, Dermabrasion, Drainage of cysts or Chemical skin peeling &…
  • If you happen to develop acne scars you'll need to see the only surgical options you have for removing them but…

Why do you have Acne in the first place?
According to Doctors and dermatologists…
These are the top 4 causes of acne…
  1. Hormonal changes that are related to stress, adolescent age transition, menstrual periods, use of birth control pills, and pregnancy and…
  2. Use of oily or greasy hair and cosmetic products and…
  3. Use of a few types of drugs, such as estrogens, steroids, testosterones, and phenytoin and…
  4. High level of sweating or presence of high humidity in the atmosphere and…
Does chocolate or certain foods cause acne?
People believe that certain food items such as chocolates and nuts cause acne but medical research had not been able to prove this.
However, several studies on the relationship between food habits and acne had concluded that food having simple carbohydrates lead to acne due to the glycemic nature of these diets and…
A strange fact about acne related to nutrients is that people with low levels of Vitamin A and Vitamin E in their blood tend to acquire acne and suffer heavily from that problem, compared to people with higher levels of these two vitamins and at the same time…
An overdose of Vitamin A is also dangerous and could lead to dizziness, vomiting, menstrual problems, and serious liver damage but overall Acne is not the direct result of any particular type of eating habits &…
 Note from blogger: Brian.
All rights reserved to author: Unknown, unlisted. 

How To Get Rid Of A Pimple Overnight?

Desperate to know how to get rid of a Pimple overnight! Well, there are various natural as well as conventional remedies that tend to heal Pimples as soon as possible. Read further and discover ways on how to get rid of Pimples overnight.

• Ice is often used as a quick remedy to get rid of Pimple overnight. You just need to wrap an ice cube (or crushed ice) in a piece of cloth and apply it on your Pimple for about 20-30 seconds.
Repeat this procedure a few times in a day to reduce the swelling of your Zits considerably as it helps to freeze the pores and removes dirt and oil easily. If you are looking for solutions on how to get rid of a red Pimple fast then this ice remedy will surely give the best results.
• Manuka honey and tea tree oil also serve as excellent home remedies to get rid of Pimples overnight Apply either of these natural cures after washing the face. This treatment, however, works best in case of minor Pimples.
• Using any white toothpaste (not gel) on the Zits is quite a popular home treatment for this problem nowadays. For this, you simply have to apply some toothpaste on the Pimples before bed time and let it remain on the face over night. Wash your face the next morning and you will find a great deal of improvement in your Pimples. The toothpaste should remain on the Zits for at least half an hour.
Wondering how does Colgate toothpaste get rid of Pimples? This mint based toothpaste usually dries out Pimples and hence heals them quickly. Another tip as to how to get rid of a red Pimple overnight would be to use the ice remedy (mentioned earlier) after following this toothpaste remedy. Do not use this remedy in case your skin is sensitive as it may cause a burning sensation.
• If you are wondering how to get rid of a Pimple on your nose or forehead then lemon juice can be a great help for you. In fact, applying lemon juice on the affected area is one of the simplest ways of curing Pimples.
Just apply some fresh lemon juice on your Pimple before going to bed and let it dry overnight. Your Zits and Pimples would surely become much less noticeable or even disappear completely the next day.
• Consider using a honey and cinnamon face mask to mask your Pimples. Prepare this face mask by mixing some honey and cinnamon powder to form a sticky paste.
Then, apply this mixture on the face overnight and wash it off in the morning. However, this pleasant smelling mixture takes might take an unpleasant amount of time to treat Acne.
How to get rid of a Zit overnight using over-the-counter medicines?
• Acne products that contain benzyl peroxide and salicylic are highly recommended for curing this Acne and Zits. Read the instructions carefully before going ahead with these products. Do not over apply these products and follow the directions cautiously. Clearasil and Noxzema are quite popular in this regard.
• If acne products fail to give desired results and you are still intent on finding out how to get rid of Acne overnight then you can also try sulfur masks. Try not to leave a sulfur mask on your face overnight unless specifically mentioned.
Other Suggestions
Make sure you wash your face before applying these Acne and Pimple remedies. Although, do not become obsessed with face cleaning activity as washing the face too frequently can make the skin excessively dry.
In fact, learn to wash your face gently before learning how to get rid of pimples in a day. Just clean the skin two to three times in a day with a mild soap or a specialized Acne cleaner. After washing gently pat dry the skin instead of rubbing it vigorously.
In addition, do not squeeze or pop your Zits as it will only make the condition worse. As different individuals have different types of skin, the effectiveness of these remedies also varies from one individual to another.
Moreover, if you are seriously looking for an effective cure to get rid of Acne then you also need to follow a more holistic approach, especially in case of severe Acne breakouts.
Therefore these steps on getting rid of Pimples and Zits fast should also be accompanied by certain dietary measures like including more vitamin A and vitamin C rich foods in the diet, drinking adequate amount of water, avoiding highly sugary foods, etc.

In case you have further suggestions on how to get rid of a Zit over night or how to get rid of a Pimple over night then feel free to share your valuable tips here to help others as well.

Note from blogger: Brian.
All rights reserved to author:  Unknown, unlisted. 

Getting rid of that Pimple.

Got a Pimple?

This article will show you step-by-step the easiest and quickest way to get rid of a big zit, using only free ingredients you have at lying around at home. The best way to get rid of a pimple fast is to prevent your acne from happening in the first place, but this is not a perfect world, and you have probably done everything you can to keep your pimples from surfacing, but no matter what they're still there. Don't worry! There are two quick ways to get rid of it, usually within just one day!

Note: After you get rid of your zit, you will want to know how you can prevent pimples from ever surfacing again. I wrote another article describing in complete detail how you can prevent 100% of future pimples by using a completely natural and free method (and its easier than you think).

1st Method: Hot Compress

***Use the hot washcloth method only if your pimple has broken the surface of your skin (if your zit is a white head, black head, oozing, or you just really, really, want to pop it)

--First, scrub your skin with a quality face wash

--Soak a washcloth (or cotton ball, paper towel) in hot water

--Use the washcloth on your zit for at least 20-30 minutes, resoaking it in hot water again when needed.

--Dry your skin by patting gently with a dry washcloth

--Now the tricky part - popping the pimple. It should look waterlogged by now, and will be easy to pop, just make sure NOT to press down, as this will force bacteria deeper inside the pimple causing a bigger zit.

-Apply some benzoyl peroxide to the zit (or any treatment cream you have) right after you pop it. This will remove any excess bacteria.

All in all this takes about 30 minutes - 1 hour. But your zit should be gone within 2 days.

2nd Method: Freezing

*** This is the fastest method to use if your zit is still beneath the skin - if its not a white head or black head, and there is no puss coming out of it (gross I know).

-- First, wash your face like you normally would with an acne cleanser

--Now that you've removed any surface oils, use a frozen ice pack to freeze the pimple. Don't worry if you can't find a freeze pack, you can easily create one by wrapping some ice in foil.

--Leave the ice on the pimple for 10 minutes

--As soon as the time has passed or you can't take the cold anymore, you can remove the ice pack and immediately rub some benzoyl peroxide on the zit.

--Follow these steps again every 5 hours

The way this process works is that by freezing the pimple, you are preventing any more oils and bacteria from spreading and causing a bigger zit. The benzoyl peroxide is essential because after the ice pack is used, it helps to dry up any oils that may have spread. If you do this correctly at least 3 times in one day, your pimple should be gone by the next day.

Want to Prevent Pimples From Ever Happening Again?

The Acne Solution - Before and AfterCuring acne doesn't need to be as difficult as it seems. I suffered with severe acne for years before I figured out what works best for me, but using my free guide and my free acne assessment test, you can discover what will cure your acne right now (it will take a total of about 20 minutes to read through it and take the test). The trick is, you have to get to the ROOT of the problem before acne will go away - and the way to do that is covered in complete detail in The Acne Solution.

If you are finally fed up with waking up in the morning with new zits on your face, you need to take the Acne Test I've created. The test will tell you exactly why you have acne, and exactly what you can do to cure it. Keep in mind that this is completely natural and using absolutely free methods.

Here are some tips to follow that you probably never knew help cure acne:

#1. The single most important thing you need to be able to cure your acne is to know what is causing it in the first place. Learn the cause of your acne - and you know the cure.

#2. Try to stay as hydrated as possible. Most people do not know that dehydration is one of the top 3 causes of acne.

#3. Avoid caffeine. Its kept very hush-hush that caffeine is one of the leading causes of acne. It messes with your hormones, which leads to break-outs!

Nobody deserves to have acne, so I hope these steps will help you to treat your acne too! It CAN go away you just need to take the right steps and be consistent! To create an individualized treatment plan that is guaranteed to cure your acne, fast & easily, visit The Acne Solution. 20 minutes there will change your entire life. You'll learn how to have glowing skin, feel confident, AND its easy!

Note from blogger: Brian.
All rights reserved to author:  bobrittany